Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hiding Out

I've had no posts for a long time. I feels as though tasks over here are taking twice or three times as long as they did in Rotterdam. For example, although I wrote last time that I was planning on working with seniors to better my Dutch...this has yet to happen! I was told that I need a police check in order to work with this group of individuals. Fine, but to do this I need a letter from my volunteer place about the activities and that I will be doing. Still no problem. And before I go back to the police station, I need to have my London address on my drivers liscence.

This would have been an easy task two years ago when I had a car but now that I'm using public transportation (which although is good for the size of the city I live in here in Canada, is laughable compared to Rotterdam's system) - a small task takes all afternoon. Couple that with my other responsibilities here at the university at the moment and I'm running around all over the place. Time spent on my blog is now spent waiting at the bus stop or walking 5km to my destination. So although it looks like I'm hiding, what I'm really doing is RUNNING!

Take home message of the day: I miss my bike!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Te verbeteren mijn Nederlands

I've been home in Canada now for 2 weeks as of yesterday and each day I can feel the Dutch dripping slowly out of my head into oblivion! The words aren't coming as quickly when I try to form sentences in my head and as I read the Dutch newspaper, I find myself using the Dutch translator more and more each time. Since I've decided to give a small presentation this coming May about what I've found during my year in Rotterdam, the gradual dissipation of my language is more than just a little worrying!

To combat this I've contacted more than a couple of seniors' residences this week concerning whether or not they have some Dutch residents who might have some extra time on their hands to help a girl out. Luckily it turns out that they do. After getting permission from their families and getting myself a police check, I'll be chatting away in Dutch again to some new Dutch friends here in London, ON. Hurrah!

I think it will be very interesting however to see what kind of Dutch I'll be speaking when I come back to Rotterdam next year. The people that I'll be practicing with here are my mother (who left Limburg province with her family in 1954), and these Dutch residents. My question is, will I be speaking 50s and 60s Dutch? How will that sound? This time-capsule Dutch will have me singled out more for the old fashioned words than my Canadian accent, at least. Ah well. Some practice is better than no practice at all, I guess.

All in the name of bettering my Dutch (te verbeteren mijn Nederlands)!