Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ayaan Hirsi Ali making a splash in Toronto, Canada

I've set a link up on my 'checker board' but I think it's worth mentioning my thoughts on an article in the Toronto Star entitled 'Islamic fundamentalists seem to be haunted by the female body?'.This story is about Ayaan Hirsi Ali who was a major player in Dutch politics and who for a time, greatly influenced the treatment and understanding of Islam here in the Netherlands.

In my opinion, Ali's writing is quite biased at times against Islam and its followers and in her latest book she is advocating that Muslims should leave their faith for what you could call 'safer religious outlets'. In my opinion, arguing that any one religion should be banned is unjust because there are many different forms and followers of Islam. While I heartily agree with her objection to female genital mutilation and do not envy her as an crusader against such phenomenon due to all the ethical dilemmas, I do take offense to how she's dumped certain negatively viewed practices on the WHOLE of Islam and ALL of its followers. While I think Ali is welcomed to her own points of view, I wish she could be more specific (although this categorisation would also come up very short and is also wrought with just as many unacknowledged nuances) so that one could have a more balanced reading of her point of view.

I think her position as a once-follower of Islam makes 'Western' journalists position her story as more credible because she's been to the brink and back. I do not wish to question her experiences of Islam or render judgement on her personal point of view however, I wish people covering 'her story' did a better job at giving an even perspective.

How can we do this? I ask myself why aren't I hearing more stories in the news about women who feel that Islam supports them? Is there an opportunity for this and would the Toronto Star take up this offer? Why am I not hearing stories about Christian or other religions and their potential faults in particular contexts? I also questioned why Ali was being featured in the Toronto Star and for what purpose at this particular point in time? I found out the answer to this question, apparently it has to do with the release of her latest book in Toronto. Should Ali make an appearance here in the Netherlands -where she's had quite a turbulent and infamous past- I think her appearance would seem a bit untimely if not out of place. It is my understanding that her kind of politics paved the way for the current rather negative view of Islam and Muslims here in the Netherlands but that her (and Wilders') theatrics are something no longer welcomed by the majority of the Dutch.

Ali's writing is at times very one-sided as I believe much, although not all, of this article from the Toronto Star is.
Anyway, see what you think yourself.
Photo credit goes to Tony Bock at the Toronto Star. The picture was featured with the article.

1 comment:

  1. Just a note, my brother in law, Hoofie has made a very valid point. The Canadian media is also raking Catholicism over the coals. According to Hoofie: "Right now there is a really big run (focus) on priest abuse cases and the media is eating it up. If one were an outsider only taking in the media pitch, one could assume that most Catholics or priests are child molesters." Right you are Hoofie, it is not only Muslims and Islam that are recieving "one-dimensional treatment(sadly)". Thank you Hoofie for putting it so eloquently.
