Friday, June 25, 2010

Goodbye Friday

I've become accustomed to my weekly routine in the neighbourhood centre.

Monday's I attend a conversation circle with other women out of the neighbourhood.
Tuesday - I have my inburgerings course (citizenship lessons) at the centre with my teacher Fleur.
Wednesday mornings are various and might include a women's breakfast meeting or a schouw (a walk around the neighbourhood to ensure safety and cleanliness). Typically however it's not until 1pm that I show up at the centre to help out with the homework lessons there.
On Thursday I don't go to the buurt centrum but I miss it all day ... just kidding.
Friday is a good day because I go to the buurt centrum to help out with the biking lessons, which I've been doing since fall of last year.

But today is Goodbye Friday as all of these buurtcentrum events are coming to an end with the start of the summer vacation. I spoke to many women today who told me that they were going away to various vacation spots (Turkey, Morocco, Kosovo, etc.) to spend their summer. Some were going for 4 weeks, others 5 weeks and even a few said 6 weeks. Amazing! I'm envious!

So it's with sadness that I say goodbye to all of my buurt centrum activities which are on hiatus until after the summer vacation. I am also saying goodbye to all the people whom I was able to meet with regularly because of these activities. While I'll still be here the first week that these activities start back (I believe it's the third week of August that school starts again) and will be present for this week, it will be a fleeting visit as I'm going back to Canada on the 22nd of August (mark your Calendars ;) ).

Ugg, my time here is definitely wrapping up! Goodbye Friday, hello summer time.

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