Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My stomach must have spent time in girl guides

The date for my defense is ticking closer and I'm made ever more aware of it as I meet with my Canadian supervisors for a 'mock defense' and send my poster to the graduate coordinator in order to advertise my public lecture.

I awoke with a knot in my stomach yesterday morning with the realisation that the culmination of the last four and a bit years of my life (longer depending on how you look at it) was but a week away. Oh, how dramatic, right?

Regardless of what happens, I'll be calmer in a week's time. Here's hoping that the drinks after are celebratory! The only unfortunate part is that my defense is early in the morning (9-11) and so QueenB and I will have to go to lunch first before we cheers or commiserate over the day's events.

Flip goes the stomach. That's why I think my stomach spent time in the girl guides as I don't recognise these knots it's producing...granny knot, reef knot, overhand knot...

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