Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cracks in a Carefully Laid Out Plan!

Not much time to write today, I'm having my "might-as-well-be" family over for dinner tonight and because its one of the last "great meals" that I will make in Canada for 2009, it's a doozie. These "great meals" are often experimental and are served up to unsuspecting guests in my home. Technically, the house that i currently live in is called a 'camp' by Sudburian standards, but since it's winterised, it's also been called a cottage by those who don't live around here. I think I'll call it 'my lodgings' since that name provides due reference to its location by a lake. The name of the lake you ask? Long Lake. Appropriately named for a person such as myself (Ms. Long)!

Spoke with an good friend of mine today. We're trying to figure out how we can connect before I leave. Because I currently live quite far away from civilization (known as Toronto) I'm feeling the squeeze trying to get everything done (paper, confirming that I indeed have been awarded my extended healthcare, and figuring out whether or not Sudbury has somewhere that I can renew my driver's liscence) and seeing everyone that I've been longing to see (a summer away) and want to see again before I go. I'm starting to see the cracks in my carefully laid out schedule!

1 comment:

  1. Please don't leave.
    I am another friend/sister from that civilization place who wants to see you...
