Sunday, August 23, 2009

Velocity is building, Inertia will soon take over...

The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my time as a Canadian PhD student conducting ethnographic research in Rotterdam, Netherlands. My adventure starts on September 9th, 2009 and will end roughly about a year later. The count down to lift off is on and I'm starting to pack and organise for my year away! The question considered unprofessional to allot space in my suitcase to shoes instead of textbooks?


  1. It is perfectly OK, if not downright sensible, to fill your suitcase with clothes/shoes rather than books! After all, you will be so busy in the field you won't have time to read anyway, but if you look like a frump no one will talk to you! And moreover, you will end up paying more for clothes if you have to buy them in Rotterdam because you'll be paying in Euro than if you just bring them from home.

  2. Absolutely sensible! Consider it done. :)
