Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Laying Low...And loving it!

It's been a week so far and boy have I been busy! I'm currently blogging from a friends house in London, Ontario - where my university is based - hanging out with some fabulous friends and letting the time pass by. I'm catching up on some very important things that have occured since I left in September - my good friend Lily has opened up a wedding cake business called Lavish Cakes that everyone can see at lavishcakesonline.com. It's a bit of unabashed advertisement but you should see the cakes! They are really good! My how things have changed!

It's only been 6 months but I feel as though I cannot recognise certain areas because of all the change. New buildings have sprung up and new people have come into existance. My family has recently increased by 1 this past tuesday since my sister gave birth to a health and happy ... and very quiet!...little girl. It's fabulous to be home although I'm still thinking about the Netherlands. I'm off tomorrow to have meetings with my supervisory committee and will go over some of the things I've learned thus far. This trip away will regenerate my batteries for the following four months and truth be told, I'm getting excited to come back. As it stands, I must go as my friend Chris and partner Luke unpack the Pho that has arrived by delivery. It's good to be home.

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