Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lekker Koffie!

When I was in the field, where did I do the majority of my interviews? Well that's simple, Nika Cafe in Oude Noorden.

When in the field, it was always a question that I asked right after someone agreed to an interview. If their first inclination was to invite me over for coffee then I accepted. However, if they preferred to meet out in public (I would guess about half of my interviewees did) then I would ask, "where would you like to meet?" If they had a suggestion then I would always agree (after all they are doing me a favour). If they did not however, I would typically suggest Nika! The interesting thing was is that despite the proximity of this cafe, located within the adjoining neighbourhood- my interviewees almost always had never been there before.

Side note: it took me quite a while to understand that when I said, "let's go to a coffee shop" that I was saying something that had a completely other meaning than to what I was referring to. I always found it a bit annoying to have to say 'place for coffee' but eventually I fell into step with the locals and just said, 'wil je een kupje koffie?' 'Want a cup of coffee'? (Place inferred...)

Nika cafe was first introduced to me by my friend Rev. We met there and chatted as the cars, bikes, trams and people whipped by us. Despite the busy, and somewhat dangerous, intersection - the shop itself brings a sense of tranquility. Although it has yet to expand it's menu, Nika Cafe is always ready to give you an array of drinks and a piece of their apple pie. I may sound like I'm working for the owner, Nihat Kaya, but in truth, I miss my coffee hoekje.

In addition to the warm atmosphere, the owner and his family were extremely nice. I think I became somewhat of a known entity there as I would sometimes have up to three interviews in one day (yes, all at Nika). I bought so much coffee from them, I wonder if they've decided a seat to me? Hmmm.

I think everyone still in the Netherlands should go have a coffee at Nika and say hi from la Canadienne.


  1. Ok Jennifer, Ik zal ze de groeten doen van jou! Ik koop altijd thee bij Nika! Jou heb ik daar nooit gezien. Raar...? Maar in mei nodig ik je uit voor koffie en appeltaart bij Nika!
    Intussen hebben we een nieuw restaurant in de straat: Westerkaatje! En er gaat binnenkort nog een ander restaurant in de straat open. Het wordt hier steeds leuker! Alleen is het stil zonder jou!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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