Saturday, April 23, 2011

Returning to Rotterdam

It has been quite a long time since I've been back in Canada. I've busied myself with writing, reading, and teaching these past two semesters. I've just finished the second semester at school and it's now a race to finish up my writing before September. I'm still on track to have my first draft finished by August but will be paying one more semester's worth of tuition so that I can defend my thesis some time between October and December.

In all my planning for this year, I thought for sure that I would have been a bit further along by now but the truth is, there is always something else to do(and I don't just mean watching terrible television or enjoying a weekend up north)! One thing that I've been busy with is my impending trip back to Rotterdam!

You heard me! I'm off to Rotterdam for a return trip from May 16th to the 31st. While it's only two weeks I'm going to try and fit some interviews in there, visit with lots of friends, and give a lecture to the community that I worked with last year. It's not for sure yet when or where I'll be able to give this little speech but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out.

Luckily for me, I've been keeping my Dutch up throughout the year with my friend the photographer. We speak about 6 hours a week in Dutch! Hopefully this will mean that my lecture...which will be in Dutch!...will be understandable.

For now, I will start thinking about what I need to pack, what presents I need to buy and of course, what things I can write about on my return trip!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a plan! Good luck, though I'm sure you won't need it.

    Unfortunately, if you pass through London, I won't see you, as I'm back in Turkey, working (teaching English, not researching anything - except where to find a bar in this damn town!).

    Enjoy your busman's holiday!
