Thursday, November 19, 2009

Break Time

Speaking with my mother the other night I was told that I've been slacking on my blog and she's right. Almost a week has gone by and no new post! It's not like things haven't been happening in fact, the opposite it true. Last Saturday I made my way down to Schiedam a small neighbouring town to Rotterdam where I watched landing of SinterKlaas. I will write about this later as I have pictures to include.

Sunday I had a great time at my Engels Les at the Bergpolder Centrum. Monday I was back again for a mini private bike lesson with two of the women from Friday's bike class and that night I was off to my second last Dutch lesson of the year. Tuesday night I attended the neighbourhood block meeting (very informative!) and yesterday I spent the entire day at the airport and in transit.

I'm writing this post from a different country than the Netherlands. I am currently visiting QueenB in Poland, taking in the sites of the city and being wowed in general by the beautiful landscapes, wonderful food, and by the sounds and smells of Krakow. I'll have more to report later but for now, I'm off to have a little break from my research to be a tourist. We're leaving right now to get a better look at Mariacki (St. Mary's Church), the Wawel castle, and to sample the local hot chocolate, pastries, and a communist Milk Bar!

It's time for a break!

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