After posting the previous blog, I realised the's Friday the 13th! Every Friday the 13th in Ontario, the province where I come from in Canada, thousands of motocyclists converge on the small town of Port Dover, located in South Western Ontario. This event started in 1981 with 25 bikers met at a pub in Port Dover. Chris Simons (the founder) and his friends had such a great time that year that they decided to make meeting in Dover an annual event. Since then, this event has grown into the thousands as bikers from across Canada (and the United States) coming together in Port Dover to eat, drink, and be merry. Vendors booths pop up on the streets, local restaurants buy stock by the case, and the red carpet is rolled out as this sleepy town turns into the place-to-be over night. Click here for more info:
In other respects, certain people feel as though Friday the 13th is filled with either good or bad luck. In the year 2009, there have been 3 Friday the 13ths. The next year to have 3 Fridays land on the 13th day is not until 2015. That's special isn't it? As far as I know, there is no superstition here in the Netherlands having to do with Friday the 13th. But if anyone knows better, please write a comment!
There is a bit of superstition, but superstition on the whole is not big in the Netherlands. It exists, we know about it, we even may take account of it in our plans, but there's no big outbreak of paraskevidekatriaphobia ;)