Thursday, November 5, 2009

Local Wild Life

Meet Mr. Jibbs. Mr. Jibbs was sitting on a roof of a car along one of the canals in Amsterdam. I would never dare to get this close to something with such beady eyes, but Cescarina did when she was here...brave, brave lady.

Meet Macho. If I were to ever cheat on my own cat (never going to happen) it would be with Macho here (Spanky is also in the running of course). Why? Because she's a female cat whose name defies all gender boundaries and who has a weakness for water straight from the shower drain. She likes to live dangerously!

Finally, the goblet-eyed-drink-sipper. This specimen is especially rare here, only coming out on 'girls nights' and only after rare beverages such as French champagne and Elvish mead are consumed.

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