Nothing much happened the rest of night one. I spent much of the afternoon looking on the internet trying to find language lessons, things I had to do to extend my visa, and potential jobs (of which there are few for non-Dutch speakers). I went to bed with a crushing headache that for some reason I've woken up with each morning. I'm assuming that it's the low altitude that my body is getting use to or something like that. I woke up early on day 2 and P-dot called the naturalisation police for me. Apparently, in order to extend my visa past 3 months I have to apply for a resident's permit. Thus, I have an appointment on September 29th at 11am to apply for this...ack! I hope all goes well. P. left for the day (work, work, work!) and I decided to call my partner in PhD crime - QueenB. QB and I had a nice little chat that put my head on straight. She said "Don't forget what Cerwonka said, you've got to get out there!" And she was right.
I'm so startled by how easy it is to stay home and curl up in your bed in a foreign country. Your flat becomes the safe zone where you can connect to family and friends and so I've had to force (yes, force!) myself to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Anyway, i went on a nice little walk and wouldn't you know what I found? The Islamic University of Rotterdam! Ahha! Now I knew that this university was in Rotterdam but had no idea that it was in and around my neighbourhood. So I popped in (I was feeling bold), and the woman at the greeting desk introduced me to a couple of people and showed me around. It was wonderful! I left feeling boosted and with an email contact! Lucky for me-the first contact!
I went from there to the home so I could Skype my long-term partner of 3 years (who I'm now allowed to reveal is Luke). We're still trying to figure out when the best time of the day would be to connect with one another. I have to say, for those travelling for their PhDs try going somewhere where the time difference is anything but 6 or 7 hours. There doesn't seem to be a good time of day to chat!
Following our chat I went into town again using the tram this time to walk around town. I purchased some walking shoes, flowers for my room (very Dutch) and a mobile telephone. All things to get me started properly. As I walked around town, I was absolutely struck with the peculiar and unique beauty of Rotterdam. It is indescribable. So many different people, places, ideas, directions, thoughts, transgressions, ugly happenings and beautiful meetings. The above picture is of a bedazzled scooter I saw parked across the way from the shop where I bought my potted plant. As far as scooters go, this particular one was extremely bedecked yet I was blown away by the care and detail that shone through to the individual behind this inanimate object. As the scooter sparkled in the sunlight I truly was struck. Just as the scooter caught my attention so has the unique city of Rotterdam.
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