Sunday, September 13, 2009

Deadly Serious about Funky Art

This is a temporary piece of art concerning Marjolein Kriek. She is the first Dutch woman in the Netherlands to have her entire DNA pattern mapped out. The stack that you see is her unique code printed-out on large sheets, that have been slowly added to this pulpit a sheet at a time. This peice is located in front of the the Laurenskerk (St. Lauren's Church), in the middle of a Grotekerkplein, across from the oldest statue in the Netherlands, the statue of Desiderius Erasmus. Ms. Kriek is the sixth person in the world to have her entire DNA mapped out. This peice will be taken down eventually...but it goes to show the creativity of art throughout Rotterdam!

The idea of the 'arting of Rotterdam' came about during my walk this morning - down the Zwart Janstraat where Pdot took me yesterday to see all the shops. Well, as it turns out, the Netherlands has yet to let their capitalist aspirations impose upon their Christian holy day of the week (Zonderdag-Sunday). Yet, there were a few non-Christian vendors open mostly selling fruits and groenen (veggies). Well, those shops and the McDonald's of course.

I walked all the way down Zwart Janstraat until it became Noordmolenstraat and Noordplein and then along the canal on a street called Zagmolenkade. The canal is filled with surreal art peices hence, the title of this post. My camera is currently out of batteries (Kath you were right I guess) and so I will have to return there and take a couple of pictures next Sunday. However, on a whole, I think that Rotterdamers love their extreme art and they love their art everywhere. For example, from my window you can see the adjacent playground that has three walls of murals. Also, much of the graffiti found around town is not just scribbling (as can be found in any city) but beautiful artwork. I also find that the statues are changing, mobile, striking, and at times in poor taste (see slide show where there is a bronzed statue of a puppy looking at a piece of bronzed shit in front of him, the statue almost begs you to clean up after it). Thus, Rotterdamers are deadly serious about their funky art. Tomorrow I will walk about town and really concentrate on the art there - it's such a packed city - packed full of art!

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