Saturday, September 19, 2009

First Annual Harvest Festival in Rotterdam!

I was out early this morning to attend the first ever Oogst Festival in Rotterdam. Oogst translates into Harvest and this festival was dedicated to bringing awareness about local farmers and grocers to Rotterdammers. This festival was also publicised as a multicultural event as they had booths dedicated to learning about cultural types of food such as Thai, etc. In addition to having workshops about preparing food using fresh ingredients (I made my own dressing and antipasto which I was able to take home with me), coffee bars, smoothie bars, gardening clubs, bio-projects, and numerous food vendors, there was entertainment! While I was there, I watched one band play and then another artist present in spoken word. Although this was definitely a festival that catered to a wide variety of people that included many young families with young children...some of the entertainment would be considered PG-13 at the very least! Unfortunately, I tried to upload the video but found out that it is too big. I have included a general picture of the festival as a poor substitute but you'll have to believe me when I say that there was swearing in front of 2 year olds involved! In any case, the harvest proved to be a crowd pleaser and great way to experience Rotterdam.

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