Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Barbequing in late October

I volunteered at my first English lesson tonight and it went very well. As mentioned by my esteemed colleague QueenB, English seems to have a certain currency in some countries throughout Europe, in Poland, and in the Netherlands as well. English is spoken by almost everyone living here yet most are interested in practicing and improving their abilities (keeping in mind that they usually speak two other languages besides English, I tell you, it's enough to make you feel thoroughly inadequate!).

Located in Rotterdam Zuid (South), the class is held in the area of the city that is seen to be more residential, to be industrial around the harbour area, and to have 'bad' neighbourhoods. The intention was to be a bit late as the teacher started with theory first, but I ended up being later that I had wanted to be (but still earlier than I was expected) because the trams weren't working. After walking to Centraal Station I made it down on the subway (metro) and through the woods, over the hills (now I'm kidding) to a very busy community centre (they were celebrating Hallowe'en early with a Hallowe'en huis or haunted house).

Someone directed me the correct room and I sat down to enjoy an hour and a half discussion that consisted of rapid fire questions mainly about my personal life. As I answered question after question, the teacher explained any words that they had not yet covered in the course. The questions themselves ranged from 'how cold does it get in Canada?' (they were amused to learn that my brother has to plug his car in at gas stations and grocery stores in Winnipeg during the dead of winter for fear that the engine block won't turn over again) to 'how much UGG boots cost in Canada versus the Nederlands?', to 'why hasn't your boyfriend proposed to you yet and when do I think we were going to get married?' (I swear they could have been working for certain members of our families with this last question!). Anyway, the teacher said that I didn't have to answer this last one and suggested that one of the women continue our discussion by asking me something else about the weather in Canada. I think at this point the teacher really began to notice that he was the only guy in the room! :)

Overall, I found the experience extremely rewarding. And despite being grilled, I had a good night in the hot seat. BBQ anyone?


  1. i can see you were definitely on the hot seat...... Thanksgiving was atypically quiet but good. Your grandmother-in-law is off to Oklahoma for a couple of weeks with her lady friends.

  2. ah, this is such a good idea. i think i should look into doing something similar here.
