Friday, October 23, 2009

Check, one, two, three, check...

It was a beautiful crisp and sunny day today as I cycled down from my apartment toward a coffee shop in the South West area of Rotterdam to meet a fellow researcher, Audi. We enjoyed our ‘s ochtend koffie (morning coffee) while discussing our mutual interests and bouncing ideas off one another concerning out immediate future plans in Rotterdam. Man, it's always great to have someone to play your ideas off of, to have a sounding board!

Speaking of sounding boards, I met with another individual on Thursday morning, who was/is supremely connected within the Turkish community here in Rotterdam, to discuss the possibility of becoming a volunteer for his organisation. As we sat down in a newly renovated Turkish restaurant along the Zwart Janstraat near my apartment with steaming cups of Turkish tea laid out in front of us, he asked me to describe my project and my intentions. So I began with the usual spiel but went on in further detail and then began debating the politics of the current social and political conversation, and so forth, because this man was an inspiration! This might sound a bit dramatic but our meeting made me fall in love with my topic all over again! This is something quite special since not two days before I was (temporarily) a bit disenchanted with it, after having to write it into a neat little two-page bundle that striped it of all its interesting bits (both for myself and the reader, most likely). Needless to say, this man was excited at the prospect of my research, confirmed that he too thought that my research was topical and important and that he might be able to put me in contact with some of his community. Hurrah!

As I look back on our meeting I have a feeling that if this man went for Prime Minister of the Netherlands he would be elected unanimously because he's the kind of person who could whip people up into a frenzy - but like all good leaders (in my opinion, which is based on hearing Nelson Mandela talk and he's a 'whipper') into a frenzy of inspiration! He had me more convinced of the importance of my project than I think I've ever been (I think this is something all outsiders using secondary resources would think about their research before stepping into the field. You think it’s important but to have an ‘insider’ think it’s important is a totally different thing). I've always thought that the issues involved in my project were important, but when he said, oh boy, did I believe it!

In conclusion (ha), the sounding boards were sounding great this week. Lots of good feedback (think Nirvana-style feedback, where feedback is actually the goal) and some really productive sessions (I'm suddenly transported back into the home studio at C&G's house). This one’s for you Hoofie. ;)

Can I get a sound check please!

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