Living in Rotterdam it's nice to be able to pop on the train and see the likes of Amsterdam in just over an hour (on the slow train). As I've written about previously, I've been lucky enough to have the priviledge of being a guest researcher at the Meertens Instituut. Since I've temporarily been alloted a desk (in the absence of another PhD rung at a time people!) I decided to put it to good use and this past Thursday as I went to hang around in Amsterdam and more specifically the Meertens Institute. As I might have mentioned previously, I'll check the archives later, this institute is located in an old Coca-Cola warehouse and still holds some of the original architecture. By this I mean to say that the Meertens library looks quite a bit like a distribution centre with its high ceilings and grated decor (stairs, floors, some wall space are all made of grates so it has some influence on your fashion decisions - wedges are a go, stilettos are a no). Although many of the office areas have been redesigned, one can still pick out the theme left over from its predecessor: the red, white, and black signature colours.
Although the staff and the archives are the most important resource Meertens has to offer, from Monday to Thursday the institute runs a canteen (cafeteria). I'm sure many people have experienced cafeteria food whether it was during grade school or high school, or perhaps more recently working for a corporation, etc.. Needless to say, there are probably many people who have experienced varying degrees of corporate or institution-run food dispensing facilities. I have to say, the canteen at the Meertens is one of the best that I've ever experienced!
On this particular thursday, I started my meal late as many of the other staff had gone off to a meeting and were late getting back. The issue here was that the canteen is only open from 12 - 1. They must folow strict timelines because such greatness is hard work. So at around 12:30 I pop to the canteen to peruse the merchandise. The customer (me) had the option of soup, salade, broodjes (sandwiches) that are either hot or cold, or hot meals that were available included little fish nuggets and herring. But the greatness did not end there. On each of the tables there were teeny-tiny packages of brown chocolate sprinkles and small bottles of Maggi on all the tables (I grew up with these). In addition to these food choices there was also a choice for drinks along with treats and healthy bits and bites. There were of course too many options for me to pick from so instead, I picked probably the most unsatisfying lunch of bread and ham and cheese! It as too much pressure I tell you! Too much!
So I'm going back this week or next because I have work to do but more importantly so that I can return and order appropriately - fish nuggets here I come! (they don't sound appetizing the way I'm calling them but trust me, they are!) Ja, ik will graag meer Meertens austublief. I'd like to order some more Meertens please, yes, Meer Meertens.
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