Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bridges of Rotterdam

Picture taken from : http://www1.american.edu/ted/ice/images4/212vm_WillemsBridgeRotterdam.jpg
Willemsbrug was built in between 1975 and 1981 to accommodate more traffic in between Rotterdam North and South. Its deck is held aloft by a system of tie rods attached to two V-shaped steel towers the colour of red lead (Historical information was taken from Architectuurgids Rotterdam that was a present from Audi on my birthday! Thank you Audi!) .

Picture taken from : http://www.archi-europe.info/Archinews/032006/2portrait.jpg
The Erasmus Brug built between 1990 and 1996 as 'a bridge for the 2000s' and was dubbed the Swan on account of its white colour and because of its angeled pylon that can be conceived of as a swan's neck.

Finally, in October there was an event put on by 'YourCity09' in Rotterdam Zuid called 'I Bridge You'. I have found another blogger that has covered this event impeccably. Please visit: http://observatoriumrotterdam.blogspot.com/2009_10_01_archive.html

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