I know, it looks more beautiful than horrible, but the point is that I'm still dragging Luke around to see the sites of Rotterdam with only his leather jacket, no gloves or toque (hat for non-Canadians), and with only one sweater to warm him. Oops. I'll take responsibility on this occassion (it's probably good that I'm somewhat publically declaring this).
In any case, my research concerning Rotterdam neighbourhoods has not stopped (although it's definitely declined somewhat). Just yesterday Luke and I were walking about our neighbourhood taking pictures of the Opzommer trees. What are these? During the month of December, the local government has been advertising for different communities to take advantage of government funds to decorate their neighbourhoods for the Christmas holiday season in the form of large pine trees. These trees are then decorated with ornaments and lights by residents living on a particular street. The importance of these trees is that, from what I understand, individuals or families from one street must get together and request this tree. This action in itself is showing a certain amount of community belonging among neighbours. It might also be the case that local schools or neighbourhood organisations also request trees and hold events to decorate these trees so there is a chance that these trees have less to do with the surrounding neighbourhood. After it is requested, the tree is then decorated (although I haven't seen this in action), but this event is also a means by which to bring people together (regardless of the requesting insitution) and just one of the many events that the Opzommer money (government money) funds throughout the year. This activity has raised some questions for me.
For example, what sort of community networks and
feelings of belonging exists on those streets without trees? Is there no tree because there was a lack of resources? Was it because of the choice of decoration and the particular holiday (Christmas) that made certain residents not participate? Was it the method of advertising (ads in local newspapers and bus/tram stops)? For whatever reason, there are some streets with beautifully decorated trees (or trees at all) and others without. In any case, this is something that warrents further attention. At least the snow at this point is spread around equally.
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