Monday, December 21, 2009

Off the Tourist Track

Luke has been here for a little over a week now and so we're now doing those lesser known activities for visitors to Rotterdam, which include:

Trying to stay warm while walking through new neighbourhoods in Rotterdam North:
Little bit of ornithology. Many of the avian wildlife were in cramped quarters starting at the beginning of this week since much of their canal and lake spaces have frozen over. It made for good photo shots though!
Well, this is still a bit tourist. Luke and the windmills (and if you look closely, me in the glasses reflection).

Watching the national waterpolo finals! Our team won - thank goodness, and apparently we're all famous because we sat in the V.I.P section (thanks to Malt) and were right behind where the teams were sitting. While I felt important, the coach made a better door than a window.

Our inclusion in the V.I.P area also won us some new shoe attire! Luck us! This is me and Vespa looking gorgeous as you can see.

1 comment:

  1. looks like you're having lots of fun.... don't know much about the water polo however..... good thing it's not an outdoor sport! very mild here - only about -3
    Mumma is going to Helen's today and then to Sandra's for Christmas Day
