Sunday, December 13, 2009

Guess who's here?!?!

Yep, it's been 3 months and 1 day since I've seen my partner Luke and it's been tough. Actually, after the first week or two (maybe three) away you get back into the mode of being by yourself and living life according to your own rhythum - marching to your own drum beat. This feeling builds and although you miss one another, life goes on. I noticed that in the weeks before we saw one another again, I started to feel the pangs that I felt in the first few weeks. I realised just how much I had missed him as I waited anxiously at the gates in Schiphol for him to arrive. To the left is a picture of a very tired looking Luke after a 12 hour trip from Toronto to Chicago to Amsterdam. Unfortunately, he sat beside a lovely woman who had some sort of deep chest cold that kept him up most of the night.

Although I gave him a coffee the minute he touched down and have proceeded to fill and re-fill him full of coffee during all day light hours, he's still in the process of conquering jet-lag as is evinced from the photo taken moments ago on the right.


  1. nice to see my nephew there.... I know he'll enjoy himself. Of course we'll miss both of you here on the 25th. It was -50 deg. cel. in Edmonton on Sunday! Let's see how Christmas fares - hope there'll be a few laughs amid the turmoil.
